Welcome to Transcending The Mother Wound 

A 7 week immersion where you are deeply held & guided through a multidimensional & complete healing approach that will transform your mother wound into your deepest reservoir of self love and inner safety 

 What I know is that your mother wound shows up in so many ways that block your business and keep you playing small. 

When you hold unresolved trauma and limiting beliefs from your early experiences with your mother it can cause:

  •  Perfectionism, never feeling enough and always feeling like you're missing that thing that everyone else successful has

  •  Feeling like your body is not thin enough, young enough, toned enough Feeling anxious about money, safety, security

  • Feeling burnt out bc you're doing it all and don't know how to actually be fully supported

  •  You struggle to receive and hold money,, support, love You have creative blocks because before you've even birthed your next big idea you've shut it down BECAUSE your confidence is on the floor 


  • You're struggling to parent your own children bc you've never been unconditionally accepted and your emotions were never validated


  • You're an empath shape-shifting to those you love in case you're feelings upset them and you feel like boundaries mean you'll get rejected 

  •  You believe success is for women that have something that you don't... (calling bs on that one)

  •   You feel unlovable and not enough and therefore like you can't make an impact in your business

  •  You're afraid to be bold and take up space and this is causing you to be STUCK in your relationships, marriage, business and life. Hell, it even effects your life in the bedroom! 

"Cassie excels with her astrology readings and guidance. If you’re thinking about working with Cassie... run, don’t walk! ."

Nic Matt-Rose

TRANSCENDING the Mother Wound is your invitation to enter the most magnificent version of you yet through understanding the multidimensional healing approach to actually CLEARING your maternal trauma FOR GOOD. 

The women who step into my world experience my powerful, unique methods that are deeply transformational because I blend the power of embodied astrology, homeopathic treatment, energy work and emotional development cycles root cause resolution (nobody else is doing this). 

I see women in a revolving door like healing trap where they are aware of their mother wound but they can't actually clear it fully at a root level  bc they're not aware of what's ACTUALLY NEEDED and this means they get stuck and they cannot transcend it and align to their highest purpose. It's a mega mode cock block to biz success, relationship fulfillment and even in your parenting life. The WEIGHT that the mother wound holds in your heart, literally, nails you to the spot where you FEEL like you're taking steps forward, but it keeps bringing you BACK to that stuck, stagnant place. Until now <3


Safe in your power, safe in your body and safe to take up space in the world

SHAMELESSLY confident in your needs, boundaries and desires

 Illogical leaps in wealth and abundance because you understand the art of receiving

Unapologetically claiming your success because you're feeling the vibe of THAT bitch

You've healed so deeply that it shifts the energy in your entire family, household and even in your children

Your energy is through the roof and sex life is popping off bc you're not carrying a fuck tonne of heavy emotional baggage

You have a beautiful understanding of your relationship and soul contract with your mother and it's profoundly healing - this creates freedom in your heart and spirit. this is the ultimate flex, believe me. 

WAY hotter than *That* Bridgerton carriage scene

All the deconditioning codes

Wealth codes, success codes, soul fulfilment codes - ALL given to you and SO MUCH MORE 

The truth. 

Everything you desire is on the other side of inner work. 

There is NOTHING more revolutionary AND TRANSFORMATIONAL than radically loving on yourself, looking WITHIN stepping into your purpose unapologetically, clearing the mother wound, shattering generational trauma and unlocking your own innate healing gifts which are on the otherside of ALL that ails you.


I don't really like doing MORE, pushing through, surface level silliness.

 I'm not into boss babe culture. 

 I'm into cacao, deep chats, messy REAL emotions, cuddles and SUPPORTING EACH OTHER through what WE FEEL CAN BE insurmountable. I'm your ride or die, soulful friend and ally. 

I know you've all ready done breathwork, women's circles, coaching, mentoring, nlp, cbt, eft, REIKI AND Allllllll the things.. but HERES THE TRUTH... Your mother wound still holds you back bc you have not felt safe enough, supported enough and you've never worked with a practitioner who actually GETS IT DEEPLY and also has SPECIFIC TOOLS that can work back in time (helloo homeopathy) to clear right at the root of the trauma. Basically, you're heart is in the right place but you're here bc you have only really scratched the surface

I want for you to understand that your mother wound is not here to swallow you up, YOUR MOTHER WOUND IS HERE here to GUIDE YOU BACK TO YOUR POWER and the healing you didn't even know was possible, the support could never imagine would be there for you and the PURPOSE that touches right into your soul.  

This is your invitation to finally put yourself FIRST and release the past. 

What you get:

Weekly group calls where I educate.you on ALL aspects of the mother wound and then we go deeply into transcendental meditations specifically designed each week to clear another aspect of the mother wound, from your in utero experience right through to your ancestral maternal lines. We are GOING DEEP AS HELL. 

121 embodied astrology READING - I'm teaching you about reparenting yourself through understanding your astrology chart and exactly WHAT.YOU NEED TO FEEL SAFE, DEEP SELF LOVE and find your.purpose in it all so you can unlock ease and abundance through embodiment of your astrology

121 ENERGY HEALING IMMERSION - 3 day energy healing from yours truly to create massive transmutation of ALL the shit into peace, inner freedom and abundance

Telegram community- bc sisterhood & support from me!!!!!!!!!

Optional add on (add at checkout): 121 HOMEOPATHIC PRESCRIPTION - this will clear the mother wound and how it's.manifesting for.you in youre physical health, emotional health and energetic body. We are going right to the core and clearing it

This is the place where you get to be deeply held to release the heaviness of the grief for the mother you never had, find deep self love and safety from a well within and finally liberate yourself from the shackles of allll the weight of the mother wound and FLY in your life and biz bc you've unlocked the next level

We start in LATE SEPT- the price will never be this low again so grab your spot now

Only £555


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  • Preferred option
    EARLY BIRD One-time payment £555.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 2 x Installments2x £277.50
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 3 x Installments3x £185.00
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Select this upgrade if you want homeopathic treatment to speed up your transformation.

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