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The 6 month holistic fertility programme like NO other that heals the root of what’s blocking you from falling pregnant naturally AND prepares your body to grow and birth your beautiful baby.

"Cassie excels with her astrology readings and guidance. If you’re thinking about working with Cassie... run, don’t walk! ."

Nic Matt-Rose
You're the right place if:

You have had multiple losses and want to heal fully and make sure you never have to go through it again.

You've been ttc for some time now and are starting to wonder if there are issues but you're not feeling that the Dr is acting quick enough, or even listening to you.

You want SOLUTIONS for unexplained infertility (P.S it's not unexplained!) and you want to fall pregnancy naturally

You want to go all in on getting physically, emotionally and energetically ready for creating, holding and birthing your baby in HEALTH and POWER. 

You've had failed IVF rounds and you want to ensure you have the absolute best possible chances for your next round OR fall pregnant naturally (true story!)

You've had poor test results and you're feeling like the only advice is supplements and diet. You know that there HAS to be more and you're ready to heal at a root level and turn those results around NOW and fall pregnant. 

You've got PCOS, Endo, thyroid issues, you're over 40, you've got fibroids, cysts, painful periods, ovulation pains and honestly, you have NO idea where to start. 

You're sick of the sea of information out there and KNOW there has to be more to fertility and birthing your baby than just eating right and supplements. You actually want to UNDERSTAND it. 

This holistic fertility programme is a full spectrum approach that works with your mind, body, spirit and environment in order to help you fall pregnant naturally and grow and birth your baby in HEALTH and POWER.

If you're waiting to take that LAST IVF round, it will MASSIVELY increase your changes of successful IVF outcomes. 


My approach is totally unique and more effective than conventional fertility treatments available because it blends together homeopathic detox treatment, deep emotional healing work (which is a huge hidden fertility key!) and nutritional mineral testing & balancing.


These holistic healing disciplines are extremely effective on their own, but together, they are the reason that my couples in 2023 had a 100% success rate* even after multiple losses and failed IVF rounds. 


You actually feel HOPE again and feel totally aligned with the inevitability of meeting your baby. You feel EASE in your fertility journey.

You know it is just a matter of time before you call in your baby to your womb, in fact, you feel in every fibre of your being that it is INEVITABLE

No more tracking constantly (unless you want to of course!), worrying about what else you need to do, whether you're MISSING something important. You'll have all the support and information you need and you feel empowered.

You know that falling pregnant will happen in the right time and you feel PEACE and SAFETY in that knowing

You feel connected with your partner again, you have sex because it brings you JOY and it doesn’t feel like a heavy chore.

You know that you’ve done the work to GROW a healthy baby and you're fully supported in doing so and you know it's about to happen any day! 

You finally do things you LOVE again rather than binging fertility accounts all night on insta and trying to find the one missing piece.

You know exactly the steps to take for you as a couple to resolve your challenges, even in cases of unexplained infertility

You feel energised, you have PAIN FREE PERIODS & ovulation and PMS is a distant memory. That bloating and brain fog? Gone. The anxiety and self doubt? Thing of the past. You not only feel WELL and VITAL again, you've also unlocked fertility at the same time. Homeopathy FTW!!  

The two week wait is no longer a big deal because it your perspective has completely shifted on fertility in the most POWERFUL way that LIBERATES you to live your life again in the knowing that you will meet your baby soon.

"Dear cassie,

 Just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your help over the last year. 

 After suffering with infertility and recurrent miscarriages I never thought I'd ever be a mum.

 Fast forward to now I am currently 29 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and its all down to homeopathy and your continued support. Thank you for being a shining light in my life and for always being there when needed. 

 I will never forget how much you've helped me and I will continue to use homeopathy for the rest of my life and on my babies :) All my love"

Mum after multiple losses 
The way I work shifts the needle MASSIVELY because it’s focused on root

You’re MORE than a test, a number or part of a clinic conveyor belt.

You are a couple and you’re both totally individual so the treatment you need will be HIGHLY bespoke with YOU at front and centre.

The symptoms that you’re struggling with like PCOS, Endometriosis, multiple miscarriages, low sperm count, poor morphology are red flags from your body.

They CAN be treated and I treat them safely and gently in this programme.

This programme was created for you out of the deep desire to help others fall pregnant after my own fertility challenges which took me to the absolute depths of hell and led to me understanding healing and health from a completely paradigm shattering lens.

Healing your fertility and calling your baby in gets to be easeful, transformative and empowering.

“Cassie is incredibly professional, authentic and intelligent. My husband and I worked with her to find solutions for our well being using Homeopathy. She understood not what my husband or I needed to heal, she went above and beyond to coordinate our energetic selves to promote better healing using homeopathy. She helped with struggles we both had been battling for years and we are now expecting in 2025 . Not only is Cassie exceptional with her homeopathy practice, she also excels with her astrological readings. Everything she has predicted for this year has come true and I’m absolutely stunned!!! Thank you Cassie! If you’re thinking about working with Cassie.. run, don’t walk!

Nicole Matthews-Rose
Expecting Mama after Loss

I know you’re all ready eating the right foods, limiting alcohol, trying to stress less (*trying*), have got your ovulation sex routine on lock and you’re most likely consuming ALL the information. 

 The key piece that you’re missing is understanding that fertility is a result of emotional, mental, physical and environmental harmony. It’s not just about eating the right foods or taking the supplements.

 Falling pregnant and preparing your body to grow and birth life is a huge undertaking and it is possible for you too, if only you realised that actually, there is so much more to it than food, hormones and sperm tests.


In MATRESCENCE, I EMPOWER YOU through teaching you HOW to actually achieve fertility through understanding mind, body, spirit and environment and how to clear away everything that blocks you from falling pregnant.

In fact, we don’t just do nutritional testing and detox work, we dive deep into emotional release work and ancestral trauma healing - because this does affect your fertility, even if you cannot understand why or how yet.

This programme is going to change how your view your health and life, forever, and lead you to your most fertile and empowered self. And of course, you'll be calling your baby in.


UNLIMITED Homeopathic Detox Therapy & Homeopathic Prescriptions for YOU and YOUR PARTNER (worth £1500)

Breathworks & Meditations for Fertility (worth £666)

Emotional Healing Work (worth £1500)

Holistic Fertility Education (worth £555)

Telegram support space with your own 121 space for HIGH LEVEL support (worth £666)

Monthly Energy Healing Immersions (like reiki on steroids) (worth £666) 

Individualised MINERAL TESTING AND BALANCING (Worth £666)


Early bird PROMO £2347  (WILL BE £3487)


If you are on a low income, I offer a limited number of spaces. Please email me at hello@cassieaurora.com if you would like the application form. 

We start LATE OCTOBER - the price will never be this low again so grab your spot now

Only £2347


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  • Preferred option
    EARLY BIRD One-time payment £2347.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 2 x Installments2x £1173.50
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 3 x Installments3x £783.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 6 X Instalments6x £391.20
  • Total payment
  • Matrescence£0

All prices in GBP