Welcome to Hold The Mother...
Before babies, your big visions as a soul aligned entrepreneur and powerful woman felt so close. You were doing it, each day you had the space, mental capacity and energy to follow your heart.
Then came the babies. You've never felt more complete, and yet, you want so much more for YOU. You KNOW that you have so much outside of motherhood that you just can't reach and get to.
Nothing that felt right before becoming a Mama feels right anymore.
Your life has totally been turned on its head. And what’s worse, you feel that heavy ass mom guilt because you know you need to be a “more conscious parent”, but it feels all heady. You’re so burnt out that it seems impossible to be patient with your kids (btw, that conscious parenting movement is actually NOT helping you).
I see you.
You’re barely sleeping most nights. You have a pile of clean laundry that is as big as a Christmas tree. There’s leaky boobs, weaning recipes, and if you're past all of that then you're likely knee deep in tantrums, cooking all the meals, lunchboxes, and the endless hamster wheel of mothering.
You also have big dreams (or had?!) for yourself, your life, and your impact in the world. You're really conscious of how you’re making a difference to the world by raising little ones through a gentler, sturdier way of parenting.
You're all in on being the best mum you can be.