Welcome to Hold The Mother...

Before babies, your big visions as a soul aligned entrepreneur and powerful woman felt so close. You were doing it, each day you had the space, mental capacity and energy to follow your heart. 

Then came the babies. You've never felt more complete, and yet, you want so much more for YOU. You KNOW that you have so much outside of motherhood that you just can't reach and get to. 
Nothing that felt right before becoming a Mama feels right anymore. 

 Your life has totally been turned on its head. And what’s worse, you feel that heavy ass mom guilt because you know you need to be a “more conscious parent”, but it feels all heady. You’re so burnt out that it seems impossible to be patient with your kids (btw, that conscious parenting movement is actually NOT helping you).

 I see you. 

 You’re barely sleeping most nights. You have a pile of clean laundry that is as big as a Christmas tree. There’s leaky boobs, weaning recipes, and if you're past all of that then you're likely knee deep in tantrums, cooking all the meals, lunchboxes, and the endless hamster wheel of mothering.
You also have big dreams (or had?!) for yourself, your life, and your impact in the world. You're really conscious of how you’re making a difference to the world by raising little ones through a gentler, sturdier way of parenting.
You're all in on being the best mum you can be.

"Cassie excels with her astrology readings and guidance. If you’re thinking about working with Cassie... run, don’t walk! ."

Nic Matt-Rose

In our society, there isn’t anything to honour what a deep rite of passage motherhood is.

Society doesn’t understand that this is the MAKING of women, not the time to put them in the “no longer important because they're not young anymore” box. You often find yourself feeling alone, unsupported, and wondering, surely, this isn't it?!

There has to be more right?! Right.

Even if your children are older, nothing is ever the same. Sometimes you've been feeling lost for so long, and put yourself on the back burner for so long, that you don't even KNOW HOW to actually claim your life and find your true purpose.

I'm here to tell you that motherhood is the most powerful opportunity to heal yourself on the most profound level. It’s your time to experience soul shattering aligned purpose like you've never felt. And it’s the biggest invitation to being deeply, abundantly supported in a way you've never known.

My groundbreaking mentorship method integrates the transformative and powerful modalities of astrology, homeopathic treatment, energy work, breathwork, and root cause resolution using the emotional development cycles (going right back to childhood and beyond).

Nobody is doing this type of work with mothers. This is totally unique and created for you.

If you know that there is something calling you to turn all the chaos of becoming a mother into something powerful. Something that will be the MAKING of you and all the generations that follow, you're in exactly the right place.

I know you’re probably feeling shattered, saggy, and in total chaos. But I’m here to tell you that becoming a mother is the ultimate invitation to enter the most magnificent, calm and joyful version of you yet.

Get ready to put yourself FIRST.

To dive ALL IN to everything that motherhood offers you AND into your true purpose. Because, let's face it, you're not the same person you were before, and it can feel so scary when you feel lost and are asking those big questions:

“What am I here for?”

 “What about me?” 

 “What is my purpose?”

Motherhood IS the catalyst for healing deeply, clearing ancestral trauma, clearing generational blocks, finding your ultimate purpose, and unlocking abundance.

We are going to find your power, your peace, and your effortless loving Mama vibes


-month group coaching container with a 1-2-1 feel where I deeply support you through my signature transformative method.

 1-2-1 homeopathic treatment for the WHOLE of our time together. This treatment acts like a catalyst for massive change, so that you can actually embody your most powerful version and heal both physically, emotionally, and energetically. We also transmute generational and ancestral karma here. (worth £687)

Monthly rebirthing breathwork sessions with Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator Lynda Stretton (value £1111)

Personal Astrology Coaching for the whole time for you and your children. Giving you a comprehensive awareness and understanding of what it is that your soul is asking you to embody, alchemise, and do - to be fulfilled in all levels in your life. (worth £848)

Personal energy healing immersions for 4 months. (worth £888)

Energy healing activations that are infused with activating and clearing frequencies (worth £222)

Telegram container where you can access everything, your sisterhood, and almost daily content drops that are going to change the game for you. (worth £888)

Your personal Telegram space for 1-2-1 support and your safe container where I am here for you. (worth £888)

All of this content is WORTH £5885 - A SERIOUS PROMO INVESTMENT

WAY hotter than *That* Bridgerton carriage scene

All the deconditioning codes

Wealth codes, success codes, soul fulfilment codes - ALL given to you and SO MUCH MORE 

Society has left mothers behind. 

 I'm here to totally turn that on its head and invite you to how MOTHERING can be the most profound journey back to YOU that you've ever known.

There is NOTHING more revolutionary than radically loving yourself as a mother, stepping into your purpose unapologetically, healing through parenting, clearing generational programming, shattering generational trauma, and unlocking your own innate healing gifts.

And I promise you - IT GETS TO BE EASY.


I don't really like doing MORE, pushing through, surface level silliness.

 I'm not into boss babe culture.

I'm into cacao, deep chats, messy REAL emotions, cuddles, and SUPPORTING EACH OTHER through what can be the hardest, messiest, and most meaningful days. 

I want for you to understand that MOTHERHOOD is not here to swallow you up.

 Motherhood can GUIDE YOU BACK TO YOUR POWER and the healing you didn't even know was possible, the support you could never imagine would be there for you, and the PURPOSE that touches right into your soul.

This is your invitation to finally put yourself FIRST. 

We start in September - the price will never be this low again so grab your spot now... and get OVER £5 worth of support for

Only £1997


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  • Preferred option
    EARLY BIRD One-time payment £1997.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 2 x Installments2x £998.50
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    Payment Plan 3 x Installments3x £665.67
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 6 X Instalments6x £333.00
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  • Hold The Mother£0

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